Wednesday, 23 November 2016

34w7d measuring small

I know that at this point ultrasound measurements can be off by as much as 4 weeks. However, the baby has pretty much always measured exact for dates or a bit ahead. And if the baby was behind, it was just by a little bit. Today the measurements were far behind. Usually they print off the paper with the measurements, but this time they just told me. They didn't mention the days, just the weeks. I tried to look at the screen, but the only days I could make out were for the FL. The BPD and AC ran off the screen. I was also told to get some final tests done, so they did blood and urine tests and will do the NST (non-stress test) next time.

31w7d everything was fine: 
  • BPD was 8.01 cm (32w2d).
  • AC was 28.03 cm (32w3d).
  • FL was 6.52 (33w5d).
  • FHR was 142 bpm.
  • EFW was 2052 gr.

At 34w7d the head is now small: 
  • BPD is 33 weeks.
  • AC is 34 weeks.
  • FL is 35w6d. 
  • EFW is 2400 gr.
This means that in 3 weeks, the head has only grown about 6d, the abdomen 1w6d, and the leg 2w2d. The small head is worrying. I know that I have a small head, but for it to be normal last time and only have grown 6 days worth in 21 days is kind of scary. Googling doesn't help either. I'm just hoping the next ultrasound will be ok.

  • Today I paid 409,080.
  • Doctor's visit: 32,266. 
  • Blood and Urine tests: 276,814. 
  • Ultrasound 100,000. 
  • Tricare (my insurance) paid 409,080. Out of pocket was 0.
More info
For more info, you can see how much this has cost, I also have a summary of dates, as well as my Rx protocol.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

34w6d midwife came to check out my house

As I mentioned before, I'm having a home birth with a midwife and doula. They came and checked out my house. We have two bath tubs, but honestly, I don't think I'll be spending much time in them. Not because I wouldn't love a water birth, but because it will be winter and Korean bathrooms aren't heated. Because, why would you heat a room where you get cold and wet? We have space heaters, but water and electricity don't mix, so I'm just afraid of what could happen.

Jinny, my doula, showed me how to do belly lifts from Spinning Babies in order to help the baby get in the right position. She also gave me a shopping list of things I should have in the house as well as the birth certificate we will fill out. I also have a birthing box of things to help me out during my labor.

My Birth Box
These are things that I think may help me during labor. I also have a box of items that my midwife told me to prepare for my home birth. Below are just the comfort items that I want to put in.

I also have a list on the wall of emergency numbers to call which include my hospital, the Korean medical emergecy number, my neighbor, my husband, some of his co-workers, his work, my midwife, and my doula. I also have our address in English and Korean and our building and door codes. I've given a copy to my midwife and neighbor, as well as my husband. But in a worse case scenario, if I go into labor and people need to be called ASAP, I can just point to that list.
  • Lip balm: your lips can get dry very easily
  • Hair tie
  • Head massager
  • Massage oils
  • Lemon and peppermint candy: to help with nausea or to suck on after vomiting
  • Water bottle with straw: it's hard to hold a bottle and tip it up to drink while you're in labor
  • Rice sock: sock filled with rice that you stick in the microwave for about 30-60 seconds. It's kind of like a hot water bottle except it easily stays where you put it.
  • Rebozo: long scarf that can help during labor. Discussed in Spinning Babies
  • Wooden spoon: used to tighten the rebozo for the hip squeeze.
  • Birthing ball
  • Spray bottle with water: for cooling me down during labor
  • Eye mask: to keep out the light
  • Knee high wool socks
  • Tunic and PJ pants 
  • Sports bra: so I don't have to photoshop any photos
What's not in the box
Since I'm having a home birth I don't have to worry about packing a suitcase for the hospital. My clothes and the baby's clothes will be right there for after birth. Same with toiletries. I don't have to worry about food since our kitchen is right here. As for music, I'm not sure if I'll want any, but my laptop is also right here. Same goes for cell phones and chargers. I made a birth box because these are things that I think I might want and if I want them, I'm going to want them now. 

I put in clothes that I want to labor in and know that chances are I'm going to be almost completely naked since labor is a work-out and I'm sure my midwife will crank the heat up Hopefully I'll be in a sports bra and have the long wool socks on but we will see.

More info
This is not part of staying pregnant, so I'm not including this in my fee breakdown. For more info, you can see how much this has cost, I also have a summary of dates, as well as my Rx protocol.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

31w7d offered the TDaP

I'm really liking these short appointments. I'm one day away from 32 weeks, which is a milestone. Once I hit 35 weeks, it will be safe to birth at home. I've heard that ultrasounds aren't the best for babies during pregnancy, but at the same time, given my history, I want to know that everything is ok. They just did a regular ultrasound.

  • BPD was 8.01 cm (32w2d).
  • AC was 28.03 cm (32w3d).
  • FL was 6.52 (33w5d).
  • FHR was 142 bpm.
  • EFW was 2052 gr.
This appointment
Then after I sat down, the doctor and translator kept talking and not telling me anything. I thought something was wrong. The doctor pushed a pamphlet with TDaP written on the front. I just said I'm not going to get the shot and he smiled. I think they're getting used to me opting out of things. I opted out of pap smear in the beginning, but still did the titers testing and STD testing. But I opted out of the gestational diabetes test as well.

To be fair, I've also done a lot of other things, such as taken a high dosage of steroids at the beginning, IVIG (which is experimental), intralipids, and tests (HSG, thyroid, and NK cells). I think I have a really good doctor. I'm allowed to make my own choices, including where I'll give birth (at home).

  • Today I paid 131,260.
  • Doctor's visit: 32,260. 
  • Ultrasound 99,000.
  • Tricare (my insurance) is paid 131,260.
  • Out of pocket was 0.
More info
For more info, you can see how much this has cost, I also have a summary of dates, as well as my Rx protocol.
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